the idea for this year’s madras day was to celebrate what is quintessentially madras with a creatively curated reel on our autorickshaws. how quickly and surely the climate changes. i have no intention of being preachy, iam but a mere mortal wading through everyday life, escaping reality in ways i know, only to be forced back in to the truth of the present. however, some days, the air becomes viscous and life , like breathing becomes arduous.
everyday that i travel on the roads, i have men firmly reinforce micro aggression by honking on a blocked road, once they realise iam female. honk and abuse when you are stop behind the stop-line instead of moving forward with every second of traffic countdown like they want to. the deliberately slow movements in getting down from your vehicle in the parking lot. oh what an inconvenience it must be to get down from a parked two-wheeler that you dont own. what do these men get from slowing down or braking inches away from you when a female is on foot? i havent used public transport in years, my mind and body both thankful for the fact.
when was the last time you stood up for someone?
for yourself? come december, madras gears up for the havoc caused by the rains. compare it with vardah and say “oh, wasnt so bad this year!” why not raise the bar? why never complain or compel action during the dry months? when was the last time you raised concern over a streetlight, or stopped to ask the lonely student at a busstop if she needed help? have you taken to social media for concerns that arent just yours? not an issue with indian railways or a swiggy order gone wrong! not an issue after the fact – sharing posts and stories on platforms that do nothing. you use steel straws and soap nuts? excellent but have you raised a complaint against excessive power cuts?
at the supermarket i frequent, there is a designated space for cars and a distinct one for two wheelers. given it’s easier access, some cars do park in the two wheeler section. i create ruckus E.V.E.R.Y.T.I.M.E. i call the watchman and tell him it’s hisjob to ensure this, park behind said car and have the car owner reach out to me to get his car out of the space. iam not being obstinate rule follower, my concerns begin when iam out of parking space because of said car. regulars know me well enough to park properly when they see me. i dont care what they think of me. iam not interested or holding my breath for a bharat ratna or the order of merlin. i dont back down. neither should you.
i grew up with the same dictum as most other people i know – “focus on your life. you cant change the system. you cant change the politicians.”
iam not trying to fight the system like a badly made shankar movie. iam just looking to speak like a normal human being. turn and glare back at the imbecile honking his way through traffic. never back down. raise your voice against the idiot pelting stones on that poor dog.
why is that a act of valor instead of the norm? why be complicit? why be selfish?
it’s not that difficult. their courage comes from silence. so dont give them that.
you dont need loud tones, nasty words or a stance in anger. start with letting them know “iam not okay with this”.
that is the first step and sometimes that is all that’s needed.
ரௌத்திரம் பழகு madras. hopefully we will have better birthday next year.
much love always,
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