Coffee @ Work
This is my quest to enjoy a freshly brewed cup of specialty coffee at work without the hassle of the elaborate setup as at home!!
there are so many misses, many more surprises and a few success on this mission!!
so tag along on the crazy-train. Destination : One Hot Delicious Cup of Specialty Coffee!!
Experiment # 1 : The Insulated Flask
Pretty Straightforward. What i did was brew a large cup of specialty coffee and pour it into the insulated flask, so i could have a hot cuppa at work.
Method #1 : Pourover; Naturals
Totally yuck! i dont know if it was the insulation or the fact that it was naturals. it was yuck. DO NOT RECOMMEND.
Method #2 : Aeropress; Naturals
again yuck. this time it was a tad oily too. could be because i used the steel filter instead of the paper ones. DO NOT RECOMMEND.
Method #3 : Aeropress; Washed
this wasnt so bad. i used paper filters so that kept the oil away. wasnt bad but wasnt great either. the first few sips were okay. the rest i poured over a glass of ice and that was MUCH better!! THIS WORKS FOR AN “ICED” brew but only with washed beans.